Tuesday, October 15, 2019

YAMAHA A3000 FIX - PART 3 final (maybe)

UPDATE 15/10/2019 :

Finally i received the  fine-pitch nuts (M7X0,75mm) to fix the encoders to the hand-made metal plate! There you have it :

Pic 1a

Pic 1b

Pic 1c

Pic 1d

Notes :

1 -  The nuts were hand tightened and a little more. Do NOT overtighten them, it's no need. Remember, that the sole purpose of the nuts is to prevent movemenet in/out of the encoders  relevant to the PCB.

2 -  I noticed that no washers were needed between the 2 metal reinforcements (in the middle of the plate - see above pic) and the encoders' PCB to align  the metal plate, after tightening the nuts. My measurements were succesful (luckily !).

3 -  I did not use any extra screws to fix the metal plate to the A3K chassis, as i initially planned (see pic 2 below) , because the 2 protrusions of the plate, on the left and on the right, touch firmly on the chassis after all other screws are tightened, so in/out movement is prevented ((see pics 3 & 4 below) .

Pic 2  (my initial planning)

Pic 3
Pic 4

 So, i think that my plan proved to be successful. 
The encoders feel sturdy when pushed in and turned, so the plate did the job intended to. 😃


 After that, i turned on the A3K and started playing with it. 
Well,...........  the skippy encoder action is still here (of course), and it still makes me mad !!
Though i cleaned the encoders with a special spray for electronics (i used Teslanol), the encoders still refuse to obey my commands !! They have a mind of their own !!!  😡 

Maybe it's time to replace them.. 

The stock encoders are ALPS EC11E15244.  They are made in Japan and are of high quality, but i might try the  BOURNS PEC11L-4220F-S0015 , and find out if there is any improvement.

So my quest for a "perfect" A3000 is not finished yet.

But, anyway, the encoders "thing" is a well known issue of the Yammies, and it is not the scope of this post.
But if i replace the encoders with the Bourns stuff, i will surely inform you all of the results.

Thanks a lot for reading.

Any comments will be welcome and useful, so please share your thoughts.

------- If you missed the previous 2 posts about the A3000 , please read them here  and here . --------

UPDATE :   https://synthnitz.blogspot.com/2020/01/yamaha-a3000-fix-part-4-new-encoders.html