Friday, January 24, 2020

YAMAHA A3000 FIX - PART 4, new encoders

Ok. Finally I DECIDED TO order the BOURNS encoder ( PEC11LL-4220F-S0015).
But, I DID A MISTAKE AND ORDERED THE PEC11LL-4225F-S0015 , instead !! The “5” means that the shaft is 5 mm longer !!!   Bummer!
Now , I have a veeery long encoder !  

So, Order again the correct ones ???  NOPE !!  I decided to hack the new ones !!  So, I used a hand-saw and cut  5 mm off the encoder.  If you do that, then you must be VERY VERY careful and hold the shaft of the encoder during the cutting, so that no damage is done inside the switch! 
>>>> And NEVER use a Dremel tool for that! The heat will destroy the plastic base of the encoder, and then bye-bye !!!

Result is shown on next photos :


 As you can see in the photos, there is still an extra 3 mm difference between the old encoder and the new one, even after I cut 5 mm off!  Well, I deliberately left it this way because I did not want to reduce the D-shape’s length where the plastic knob goes on. If I did, then the plastic knob wouldn’t go all the way in the shaft, and the push action wouldn’t work correctly.
So the shaft of the encoder is visible a little !  No worries!!  I put a small pad inbetween which is used in chairs & furniture legs for floor protection  !! (see photo below). 

ok, it is white !! But it's just a test, i will replace it with a black one !!!

It is not perfect, by any means, but it works.
So, shaft now is not visible. Solved this. 😛

CONCLUSION : Bourns encoder (the correct one PEC11LL-4220F-S0015) -might- be 3 mm higher than the old Alps.

The photo below shows the encoders I ordered compared with the ones that I hacked :

NEXT STEP :  To solder the encoders and test them with the A3000 (this is the goal here..).

Yes, you are right, this fix takes a long time, but I just do it in my free time (which these days is non-existent…)   PLEASE BE PATIENT WITH ME.  I will post everything in time, when this project is finally finished..

Also, THANK YOU for your comments, which make me happy that my posts might help other users of this Yamaha sampler.. 


  • UPDATE : 
If you read the comments on my 1rst A3K post , the Anonymous, who made comments, pointed out something important, which  is evident in the photos of the encoders above, and also in the photo below:

>>> THE LIP OF THE SHAFT IN THE BOURNS encoder that i ordered IS THICKER THAN THE ALPS STOCK ENCODER, and it is these extra 3mm that make the difference in total height !  <<<

So there is this option too:

a)  Cut the extra 3 mm of shaft height from the already cut Bourns  AND
b)  then grind the bottom lip of the shaft by these 3mm, so that the plastic knob would be inserted all the way in the shaft, in order for the push action to work correctly.

THANK YOU Anonymous for you valuable comments !


  •   UPDATE -2 : 
a)   Well, the lip of the shaft of the Bourns PEC11LL-4225F-S0015 that i ordered by mistake IS greater than the one that the correct has (that is the PEC11L-4220F-S0015, which my Anonymous friend verified in the comments section). 
>>>So the PEC11L-4220F-S0015 may be an excellent match for the stock Yamaha encoder, though you may want to cut-off the shaft length by 3 mm.
You can check the datasheet here  and here .

b)  Also according to Anonymous' information, the new encoder model from ALPS with part.Nr EC11N1524402 , is an EXACT match for the old stock Yamaha Alps encoder. You can see the complete information in the relevant datasheet here.

I think that this completes the whole story with correct encoder selection.

  • UPDATE -3 :  
I finally completed 2 encoder boards:
1)  The old board on which i soldered the modified Bourns PEC11LL-4225F-S0015 encoders
2)  The used board i got from ebay that has the old sock ALPS encoders, modifed with an extra pcb i assembled with capacitors, in order to improve the precision of the encoders. 

TEST RESULTS :  Both boards work FLAWLESSLY ! The only difference is that the Bourns encoders protrude 3mm from the A3K faceplate.

Please read the follow-up stories here (capacitor hack) and here (final conclusions)




>>>>  Also, I made a board  (next photos) , according to   instructions (capacitors hack), but this will be the next step, after I test the BOURNS encoders by themselves.


And the complete kit with cabling :


  1. i admire the work you have done... very very good job. if there were more people with your enthusiastic way this world would be better. Seriously, so amazing.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! I just tell my story through these posts, and hoping that users of this sampler would benefit from this.. Greetings!
      and thanks again! :)

  2. I am from Germany. Bought a used A3000. This unit is coming this week. Encoders ( written in the auction ) should be fine but i want to be prepared if they have problems. I am looking for some encoders and a how to fix. You did a great job with that information. Thank you so much. Best regards Sebastian

    1. Thank you so much, Sebastian, for your kind words. You can also check the "Final Conclusions" post for a one-page complete story, in order to make the choice for the encoders (check the links in paragraph "Update-3" above..
      Thanks again. :) I am very happy that my information will be actually useful to A3K users!! :)
      Stay alive and healthy!

  3. Hi Joe! Yes People like you give the chance to safe resources on old good stuff. I have some equipment and i focused many years back on a A3000 but some information about the encoders stopped me looking forward to get one. No i took the chance ordered one from ebay. For now i know many information about this, also spare parts i can order and how to fix and deal with it. You safe money and time, also very interesting to read. I found someone who is selling on ebay a different owned build Display but the price i believe is a littel bit high! So i hope the display will hold for many years or there will be a alternative one day. So you make me more happier for now to get an A3000 and have some creativity and good feeling with it. Thank you so much!! Stay also safe and healthy thru this crazy times. Best regards from Germany. Sebastian

    1. Thank you Sebastian for all your kind words. But please don't overestimate me.. I just gathered information from other people's websites who know a way lot more than me. I was in the same situation as you, trying to find parts and ways to fix my own A3K.
      In the process, i thought it would be helpful for other users, like me, to share my project, as a way of thanking all the others who also share their knowledge in the internet (it's like "do ut des" ethics in ancient Roman...).
      I also thought that summing up all the info gathered into one place, might be more helpful for everyone, that's all.
      Please check also the links i have at the Credits paragraphs in my posts.
      Thanks again, and it really makes me happy that my information truly helped! My kindest Regards, my friend , and KEEP ON CREATING MUSIC!! :)

  4. Hey Joe! Thank you also for your kind words. It doesnt matter because you picked all that information with your views and knowledge into one place. This helps really a lot!! My A3000 arrived and is in really good state and looks in blue beautiful. I installed a SCSI2SD V6 and removed old Floppy and HD. Spend 128 MB Ram. Its not easy to import bigger wave files but i joined today the Yamaha A-Series Samplers group on facebook to stay in contact and find some more information how to deal with sampels. So its great to have the possibility to search and find such good information. I was very glad to found your site and than to know if the sampler has problems what can i do! But for the moment everything looks good also the encoders works fine. There is a Software called A3000 Remote. With Midi you can control the knobs from the A3K. I can use it with Win10 64! Very amazing. Hope you are ok! Now i need more time 2 get creative with the A3K :) Best regards Sebastian

    1. Oh yeah, blue is beautiful!! :) Only Yamaha comes up with something so… blue!
      So, go get creative, my friend, with your new blue toy !! In any case, these machines were designed for making music, right?
      Thanks again for your mental support, Sebastian.
      Keep playin’ Music, because Music is the food of the Soul! :)
      My Kindest regards.
